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Who Could Benefit from Counselling?


People come to us with a wide range of issues and concerns such as: 

  • Adjustment Difficulties

  • Relationship Difficulties

  • Marriage Enrichment

  • Separation and Divorce

  • Situational Crises

  • Various Types of Stress

  • Bothersome Moods

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Anger Related Difficulties

  • Self-Esteem

  • Experience of Various Trauma (both current and in the past)

  • Family Issues

  • Children Behaviour Problems

  • Grief and Loss

  • Probation Requirement

  • To Maintain Quality of Life  


There may be a variety of reasons one might seek support through counselling and the list of reasons could be endless.


Can you relate to any of the concerns listed above? 


Most of us can, it is not because "most of us have problems" 

but it is because "those are part of human experience"!


More and more people are seeking counselling for the purpose of  "maintaining quality of life". It is part of "self-care" that makes you feel good about yourself and helps you function at your best, just like some people go for regular physicals, massages or teeth cleaning.




  • We provide 50 minutes appointment with each session.  

  • Our practice is situated in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

  • We provide a confidential, non-judgemental and respectful atmosphere (find out more in Our Principles).

  • Our practice is person-centered and collaborative in nature. This means that we respect you as an expert of your own life and work with you as a team.


Individual Counselling is for people who wish to come to counsellilng on his/her own, of course, however, sometimes:

  • They may bring a support person with them for some session (such as the first session).

  • They may be coming individually as a segway into coming as a couple and/or family in the future.

  • They may be coming individually while seeking couple and/or family counselling simultanously. 

  • They may decide to invite another person and/or people to join them in a session when they and the counsellor decide it is therapeutically beneficial to do so.



  • We provide 50 minutes appointment with each session.  

  • Our practice is situated in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

  • We provide a confidential, non-judgemental and respectful atmosphere (find out more in Our Principles).

  • Our practice is person-centered and collaborative in nature. This means that we respect you as an expert of your own life and work with you as a team.


Who is Couple Counselling for?


It is a common belief that people seek couple counselling when they are experiencing some difficulties in their relationship.  This is very true and there is a great benefit to seeking couple counselling in these types of situations.


"However, couple counselling" is not always for "couples whose relationship is in trouble" but could be for "couples who already have good relationship but are wanting to make it even better."  This concept is known as "marriage enrichment".


Couple Counselling is for people who wish to come to counsellilng as a couple, of  course, however, sometimes;


  • They may bring a support person with them for some sessions (such as the first session).

  • They may be coming as a couple while seeking individual and/or family counselling simultanously. 

  • They may decide to invite another person and/or people to join them in a session when they and the counsellor decide it is therapeutically beneficial to do so.



  • We provide 50 minutes appointment with each session. However, for this type of counselling, depeding on the number of people attending and the purpose, we may ask you to book for a longer session. 

  • Our practice is situated in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

  • We provide a confidential, non-judgemental and respectful atmosphere (find our more in Our Principles).

  • Our practice is person-centered and collaborative in nature. This means that we respect you as an expert of your own life and work with you as a team.


Family Counselling is for people who wish to come to counselling as a family, of course, however, sometimes:


  • They may bring a support person with them for some sessions (such as the first session).

  • They may be coming as a family while seeking individual and/or couple counselling simultanously. 

  • They may decide to invite another person and/or people to join them in a session when they and the counsellor decide it is therapeutically beneficial to do so.

#1 4517 50th Avenue, Lloydminster, SK, S9V0Z9




Tel: 306-825-6195


Best time to reach us via phone: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 


©2024  Hopfner & Associates Counselling and Consultation

Operating in our community since 2014

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